This project started in March 2014 with Mr. Abdul –Fadul  Kamara and the former Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Hon. Peter Bayuku Konteh. In this like, the Director Mr. Beat Wismer of the Museum Kunstpalast in Dusseldorf in Germany was given an invitation by the former Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs to visit the National Museum in Sierra Leone with the content of displaying a mutual relationship with the idea that these two Museum can be seen as interest to both national and international bodies in promoting the cultural and tourism sector of both countries. Unfortunately, the project was suspended due to the emergence of the Ebola outbreak that struck Sierra Leone. We thank God almighty that Ebola is now a thing of the past. I also want to thank the government and the people of Sierra Leone for their concerted effort in winning the fight against the Ebola virus disease.



  • Identifying the best Sierra Leonean painters within the country
  • Promoting Sierra Leonean painters and photographers to do an exhibition in Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf Germany.
  • Building a strong relationship between the Sierra Leone Museum and various Museums in Germany.
  • It will help to promote our indigenous culture to the rest of the world.
  • It will serve as a means of attracting tourist to Sierra Leone.



  • The first part of this exhibition will commence here in Sierra Leone with a competition to identify the best painters and photographers with the opportunity to exhibit their talent in Germany Museum Kunspalast Ehrenhof 4-5, 40479 Dusseldorf,
  • Participants on this competition must deliver/submit product of sample to the Sierra Leone National Museum at Cotton tree Freetown for the upcoming competition schedule for April 2017.
  • An exclusive team will be formed to receive the items from the painters and photographers and will also be responsible for the internal organizing structure such as advertising operational plans.


Suggested Planning Committee

MR Foday Jalloh – Director of Culture, Ministry of Tourism    and   Cultural Affairs

Madam Isatu Smith – Chairperson Monument and Relics    Commission in Sierra Leone.

MR Charlie Haffner – Member Monument and Relics Commission in Sierra Leone.

Madam Josephine Kargbo – the curator for the Sierra Leone National museum

Abdul –Fadul Kamara- project coordinator

  • The competition will be staged at the Sierra Leone National Museum in April 2017.
  • The products of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position holders will be transformed into post cards for tourism promotion.

Profile and paintings of sierraleonean painters

Project videos

Project photos