The book and its enclosed album – GET RICH FOR THE POOR

The music scene takes a new dimension led by Lord G and The Redeemers Band – a book and its album.
The most wanted book – GET RICH FOR THE POOR The long awaited book and its enclosed album “GET RICH FOR THE POOR” is out now
and can be got from any book shop in Germany.

This book is also world wide published implying that irrespective of your location in the world,
you can get it via internet or call.

The book is for now both in english and german.
ISBN english : 978-3-00-022277-1
ISBN german : 978-3-00-022276-4

Order the book now:
Via telephone : 0049-40-534335-0
Via fax : 0049-40-534335-84
Via E-mail : Mail to

The enclosed Music CD of the book contains 14 tracks as listed below:
1. Get rich for the poor
2. Peace and love
3. Show more love
4. Leaders
5. Babylon
6. Go Africans
7. Keep on trying
8. “Gesegnet
9. Ferrari
10. “Die Welt ist klein” – Original
11. Take your chance
12. Pretty Girl
13. Applaus to the fans
14. “Die Welt ist klein” – Remix